Minutes 2010 – Corpus Christi, Texas

Saturday, March 20, 2010

President of the Society, Sean McDowell called the meeting to order at 8:30 a.m.

Members present

In attendance were: Sean McDowell, Nigel Smith, Nicholas von Maltzahn, Joan Faust, Gabriella Gruder-Poni, George Klawitter, Martin Dzelzainis, Timothy Raylor, Sheila Rabin (representing RSA)

The President distributed an agenda for the meeting.

1. Previous minutes

Approval of minutes of 8 March 2009: the minutes of the March 2009 meeting (Hot Spring) were approved unanimously.

2. Business arising from the minutes


3. New business

  1. The next SCRC Conference will be March 3-5 2011, St Louis, MO.
  2. Sheila Rabin (of RSA) spoke to the recent invitation for the Marvell Society to consider applying for affiliate status with RSA. The advantages of this included the opportunity to organize up to eight sessions at RSA conferences; there is no minimum requirement. All presenters would be expected to join RSA and pay the conference fee. One representative of the society would be expected to serve on the Council of RSA, attending at least one council meeting every two years.
    1. A motion to apply for affiliate status of RSA was passed unanimously. The President, Vice President, and Executive Secretary agreed to draw up and submit an application.
    2. The Vice President volunteered to organize a Marvell panel for the Montreal meeting of RSA, March 2011.
  3. Election of Vice President. Timothy Raylor was nominated and duly elected for Vice President (2010-12).
  4. Other Elections
    1. Executive Committee: Martin Dzelzainis and Alex Garganigo were nominated and duly to elected to the Executive Committee.
    2. Executive Secretary: Joan Faust was nominated and duly elected Executive Secretary.
  5. Panel Session Topics for SCRC 2011
    1. The Executive Secretary proposed extending invitations to scholars working on larger Marvellian projects to participate in “keynote” sessions. Two possible candidates were identified for 2011. The incoming President and Vice President will extend the invitation.
    2. A panel session on Marvell’s prose was proposed. The Vice President, together with Past President von Maltzahn and Martin Dzelzainis agreed to contribute.
    3. A panel session on “Upon Appleton House” was proposed. Vice President Smith and Ms Gruder-Poni agreed to participate.
    4. A workshop on a lyric poem was proposed. Suggestions included “The Nymph Complaining” and “A Picture of Little T.C.” The nymph prevailed. Professors Faust, Klawitter, and Raylor agreed to contribute. [Discussion subsequent to this meeting switched “The Nymph” to “Little T.C.”]
  6. Congratulations
    1. Outgoing President McDowell was congratulated
      1. for his successful presidency and
      2. for his editing of the Marvell Society special issue of EIRC, The Social Character of Andrew Marvell’s Imagination, ed. Sean McDowell, Explorations in Renaissance Culture, vol. 35, no. 1 (2009), pp. 3-112.
    2. The Vice President thanked the Secretary for his diligent and timely service during his successful term of office.

4. Meeting adjourned

The President adjourned the meeting at 8:58 a.m.

Respectfully submitted

Joan Faust and Timothy Raylor
Executive Secretaries