For the last half-decade or so, the Andrew Marvell Society has published a periodical under the name of the ‘Andrew Marvell Newsletter’. At the annual business meeting of the Society in March 2015, the decision was taken to relaunch this periodical as ‘Marvell Studies’, beginning Summer 2015. This will continue to be an open-access publication, however we are now testing software packages to replace our current installation as we seek to establish ‘Marvell Studies’ as a journal of record. The editorial board is also being reconstituted more widely. Submissions will be double-blind peer reviewed.
At this time, the journal is issuing a call for proposals and submissions of articles, notes, reviews, and review essays to be published in Volume 1 of ‘Marvell Studies’. Our ideal article is of moderate length (six-to-eight thousand words), and articulates an argument of interest and significance to Marvell scholars in particular but also to those working in the wider field of early modern literature and history. We welcome all approaches and indeed would like to publish some articles in the introductory issues that are self-conscious about their methodology with respect to current trends in the field or discipline. Challenges to orthodoxy, too, are welcome — even suggestive mischief. Above all we want to publish intellectually rigorous and highly readable articles about Marvell, his life, writings, contexts, and reception.
The journal is also open to proposals for special issues, to be conceived and coordinated by a ‘guest editor’ in consultation with the managing editor. Ideas for special issues, guest editors, and potential contributors, should be broached first by email.
Help make the launch of ‘Marvell Studies’ a success. Send proposals and queries to the editor, Dr Matthew Augustine, at [email protected].