Blaine Greteman’s teaching and research focus on early modern book history, poetry, and drama, including Milton and Shakespeare. He’s been a staff writer for Time magazine and continues to write for both scholarly and popular publications, including Slate, The Week, and The London Review of Books. His first book was The Poetics and Politics of Youth in Milton’s England (Cambridge, 2013) and his second was Networking Print in Shakespeare’s England (Stanford, 2021), which used the tools of network theory and analysis to examine early English print networks and to demonstrate the way changes in the communications system reshaped early modern literature, thought, and politics. Contact him at [email protected]
Vice President
Christopher D’Addario teaches and studies early modern British literature. His teaching interests include Shakespeare and early modern drama, Milton, sixteenth- and seventeenth-century poetry and prose, transatlantic literature, and the literature of the city. He is the author of Urban Aesthetics in Early Modern London: The Invention of the Metaphysical (Cambridge, 2023) and Exile and Journey in Seventeenth-Century Literature (Cambridge, 2007). He is also the co-editor with Matthew Augustine of Texts and Readers in the Age of Marvell (Manchester University Press, 2018). His essays have appeared in various journals, including Shakespeare Studies, ELH, Philological Quarterly, English Literary Renaissance, and The Huntington Library Quarterly. They have also been included in essay collections such as Political Turmoil: Early Modern British Literature in Transition, 1623-1660 (Cambridge, 2018),The New Milton Criticism (Cambridge, 2012) and The Literatures of the Exile in the English Revolution and Its Aftermath (Ashgate, 2010). Contact him at [email protected]
Past President
Joanna Picciotto is an Associate Professor of English at the University of California, Berkeley, where she teaches undergraduate and graduate courses on seventeenth- and early eighteenth-century literature. Her primary research interest is the relationship between literature and science. Her first book is Labors of Innocence in Early Modern England (Harvard University Press, 2010), which explores practical efforts to restore paradise and their afterlife in seventeenth- and early eighteenth-century England. She is currently working on a study of iconoclastic style in seventeenth-century poetry and a longer project on literary Newtonianism. Contact her at [email protected]

Anita Gilman Sherman, faculty, cas, literature
Anita Gilman Sherman studies 16th and 17th century literature, specializing in works that have problems of knowledge and interpretation at their thematic center. Her book, Skepticism and Memory in Shakespeare and Donne (Palgrave Macmillan, 2007), explores the repercussions of skepticism on representations of memory, history and temporality in Shakespeare and Donne, arguing that in their hands the art of memory becomes an art of doubt. Her new book , “Skepticism in Early Modern English Literature: The Problems and Pleasures of Doubt” (Cambridge University Press, 2021), extends her work on skepticism, developing its aesthetic and political implications. Professor Sherman has published essays on John Donne, Garcilaso de la Vega, Herbert of Cherbury, Michel de Montaigne, Thomas Heywood, Shakespeare, and W. G. Sebald in edited collections and in journals such as Connotations, Criticism, Shakespeare Quarterly, The Shakespearean International Yearbook, Medieval and Renaissance Drama in England, Studies in English Literature, Texas Studies in Language and Literature, the Journal of Early Modern Cultural Studies, and Sin Nombre. Contact her at [email protected]

Katie Kadue is Collegiate Assistant Professor and Harper-Schmidt Fellow in the Humanities at the University of Chicago.
Katie’s first book, Domestic Georgic: Labors of Preservation from Rabelais to Milton (Chicago, 2021), examines the poetics of preservative labor in early modern French and English literature. She is also at work on a project on flowers, clichés, and misogyny in lyric. Her work has appeared or is forthcoming in Studies in Philology, Montaigne Studies, and Modern Philology.
Contact Katie at [email protected].
Editor of Marvell Studies

Ryan Netzley is Professor of English at Southern Illinois University.
Ryan’s research interests include Renaissance literature, particularly seventeenth-century lyric and Milton, literature of the English Reformation, and critical and poststructuralist theory. His most recent book is Lyric Apocalypse: Milton, Marvell, and the Nature of Events (Fordham, 2015), an examination of Milton’s and Marvell’s attempts to conceive of apocalyptic change in the present.
Contact Ryan at [email protected].
Elected Members
- Brett DeFries (St Olaf College), 2021-24
- Tessie Prakas (Scrips College), 2022-25
- Ruby Lowe (NYU), 2021-24
- Hyunyoung Cho (George Mason University), 2022-25
- Anita Sherman (American University), 2020-23
- Julianne Werlin (Duke University), 2021-24
- Mary Villeponteaux (Georgia Southern University), ex officio, President SCRC