Upcoming Events:
27-29 April, 2023: South Central Renaissance Conference, University of California, Berkeley
John M. Wallace Award
The John M. Wallace Award honors the best paper on Andrew Marvell presented by an early career scholar at SCRC. All eligible participants are encouraged to apply.
The award recognises the signal contribution to Marvell studies of John M. Wallace (1928-93), Professor of English at the University of Chicago and author of the ground-breaking interdisciplinary work, Destiny His Choice: The Loyalism of Andrew Marvell (1968).
The award is open to graduate students and to independent scholars and contingent, fixed-term, or tenure-track faculty who have received their PhD within the last five years. Applicants will normally submit advance versions of their papers at least one week prior to the meeting, where the award will be presented by the President of the Andrew Marvell Society at the annual business meeting.
For further details, please contact Matthew Augustine, President, at [email protected].
Program participants are required to join South-Central Renaissance Conference and are encouraged to submit publication-length versions of their papers to the SCRC journal, Explorations in Renaissance Culture.