Minutes 2013 – Omaha, Nebraska

Saturday, March 23, 2013

The annual business meeting of the Andrew Marvell Society was called to order at 08:32 by President Timothy Raylor.

Members present

Present were Vice President Martin Dzelzainis, Past President Nigel Smith, Publications Office/Webmaster Matthew Augustine, Nicholas von Maltzahn, Brett Hudson, Emma Wilson, Russell McConnell, Amy Sattler, Greg Miller, Ryan Netzley, Gregory Chaplin, Blaine Greteman, Alex Garganigo, Brendan Prawdzik, Bryan Herek, and Executive Secretary Joan Faust.

I. Approval of Minutes

The minutes of our last meeting in New Orleans were approved with one emendation.

II. Old Business

  1. Report on RSA 2012, Washington, D.C., March 22-24, 2012: To save time, President Timothy Raylor pointed out that a report was available in his President’s Column in Newsletter 4.1 (Summer 2012).
  2. Update on RSA 2013, San Diego, April 4-6, 2013. Two sessions are planned. President Raylor reported that “Maritime Marvell” will address Marvell and maritime matters during the period of the Dutch Wars; it will feature presentations by Edward Holberton (Cambridge), Nicholas von Maltzahn (Ottawa), and Nigel Smith (Princeton). Emma Wilson gave an update on “Marvell and Education,” which will feature papers by Russell McConnell (Western Ontario), Robert Dulgarian (Emerson C), and herself.
  3. Possible publication of expanded EIRC special issue on Marvell: President Raylor reported on behalf of Sean McDowell that because several articles have already been published in expanded form elsewhere, the proposal has not been pursued.

III. New Business

  1. Website: Matthew Augustine reported on the redesigned Marvell website, encouraging members to examine the articles and reviews now published. The website provides a new platform to provide opportunities for Marvell scholars to share ongoing work. This expansion brings with it new problems and opportunities:
    1. Copyright issues: Current policy is that contributors retain copyright and agree not to publish the work elsewhere for a period of six months.
    2. Editorial demands: Matthew recommended moving to peer review of Newsletter submissions, with members of Executive Committee being approached as reviewers in the first instance.
    3. With a new digital platform, we might investigate the possibility of publishing digital versions of Marvell texts not readily available, as well as teaching editions. Past President Smith raised a concern about infringing upon print publications. The concern was noted, as was the desirability of finding an appropriate approach to the issue. Emma Wilson offered assistance with the technical aspects of such publication.
  2. Membership: President Raylor reminded us that since we do not currently charge dues and have no immediate plans to do so, defining membership of the society is problematic. He proposed sending an annual email inviting members that reenrollment is currently automatic and encouraging them to update their contact information.
  3. Conferences: President Raylor drew attention to several upcoming conference opportunities:
    1. SCRC 2014 in Tucson, AZ, April 3-5.
      Proposed sessions:

        1. 1. Marvell and Modern Poetry
        1. 2. Marvell and Translation
        1. 3. Poem session on “Eyes and Tears” (Amy Sattler and Joan Faust have offered papers; one or two more participants are sought.)
    2. “Material Metaphysics”: President Raylor presented Sean McDowell’s information about an upcoming conference including members of Herbert and Vaughan Societies, in Fall 2014. Members present did not express strong interest in participating. President Raylor therefore suggested that we do not commit the Society to collaboration in organizing the conference but encouraged individual members to consider attending.
    3. “Marvell and Europe”: President Raylor presented Laurent Curelly’s proposal for a conference in Alsace, France in 2015. Members were unable to commit to finding funding from home institutions to sponsor the conference, but could seek funding for travel and registration on an individual basis. There was considerable interest among members in attending.

IV. Elections

  1. Executive Committee: Ryan Netzley and Nicholas von Maltzahn were elected to serve terms on the Executive Committee, 2013-2016.
  2. Executive Secretary: following Joan Faust’s election as Secretary-Treasurer of SCRC, her replacement as Executive Secretary of Andrew Marvell Society is sought. Members were encouraged to submit suggestions or nominations to the Executive Committee for this appointed position.

V. Thanks

  1. Alex Garganigo was thanked for his diligent three years’ service on the Executive Committee.

VI. Adjourned

The meeting was adjourned at 08:58.
Respectfully submitted,
Joan Faust
Executive Secretary